Avis & Robbie Osher

From:   Johannesburg, South Africa
ARRIVED:   1996


Like many South Africans, Avis and Robbie are descendants of Latvian and Lithuanian immigrants to South Africa. Each had two siblings, attended public school, and went on to attend Wits University. Avis became an occupational therapist and Robbie a chartered accountant. They have three daughters.

Avis and Robbie began thinking about leaving South Africa as early as 1969, but a combination of family and financial considerations kept them there until 1996, the year they immigrated to Canada.

Robbie ran a successful accounting practice in South Africa for thirty years. On arriving in Canada, he decided he wanted a career change and eventually transitioned into the role of chief financial officer of a Toronto company. A competitive squash player in South Africa, he continued winning titles at the provincial and national levels in Canada. It was largely through squash that he integrated into Canadian society.

Avis worked in a variety of hospitals and schools, taught at Wits, and ran a successful practice in Johannesburg. She re-qualified to register in Canada and after occupying different positions now works in her own practice.

They are proud grandparents of nine grandchildren. They both agree that through their professional and personal dedication, they have given back to their adopted country.

40th anniversary invitation
Cape Town visit
Avis and Robbie Osher
Jack and Robbie Osher
Cricket team
Maccabi Games
Squash champion
Letter from masters squash player